Saturday, March 13, 2010

Translator – Operators

As mentioned, operator tokens are pushed onto an operator stack after pulling higher precedence operators off of the operator stack and adding them to the RPN list. However, there is some handling that needs to be performed before an operator can be added to the RPN list.  For each operator, the Translator needs to check the data type of the operator's operand to be sure they are compatible with the operator and/or to add the proper operator dependent on the data types of the operands.

Take the + operator, which can have integer, double or string operands. If both operands are strings, then the concatenation operator needs to be added. For numeric values, it's a bit more involved. If both the operands are integers, then an add integer operator is added. If both the operand are doubles, then an add double operator is added. For an integer and a double, the result will be a double, but the operand that is an integer (which could be the first or the second operand) needs to be converted to a double before performing an add double operator.

The goal is for optimal execution, so having the add double operator check to see if the one of the operands is an integer that needs to be converted first during run time is not ideal. This check should be done before hand. If a conversion is needed, an internal integer to double conversion operator will be inserted into the code.  So, for the expression A% + B, the internal code will be A% CvtDbl B +. During run time, the CvtDbl will operate like a function or unary operator, when A% is pushed onto the run-time stack, the CvtDbl will pop it off the stack, convert it to double and push the double value back on the stack.

The Translator will insert these hidden operators into the RPN list after the appropriate operand as needed by the operator.  (This is why the List class was modified to have append and insert functions – see post List Class – Updated.) When the internal code is output by the Recreator, these hidden operators will not produce any output.

Table and Token Updates

Since the Translator needs to know if functions have parentheses (arguments) or not, the IntFunc value in the TokenType needs to be replaced with the two types IntFuncN (function with no parentheses) and IntFuncP (function with parentheses). Currently there is one function with no arguments (RND). The table entries for the internal functions were updated.

The Translator needs to determine two things about tokens, whether the token has a parentheses and whether the token is an operator. This will be accomplished with two Boolean member functions in the Token structure, is_operator() and has_paren().  To implement these, Token will have two static arrays paren[] and op[] dimension of the size of the TokenType enumeration. To initialize these arrays, Token will have a static initialize() function, which will initialize the appropriate values in the array. This function needs to be called during initialization.

New source file ibcp.cpp has been added to the project, which will hold the new Token static variables and function. This file also contains the main function for the project. To test these minor changes, the test_parser code was used. The main() function in test_parser.cpp was renamed test_parser() with a call to it from main() that is in the new ibcp.cpp. The test_parser routines were modified to output “Op” if the token is an operator (is_operator() returns true); “()” if the token has parentheses (has_paren() returns true); and “??” if both are true, which should never be the case.

There is a new project file ibcp.vpj, which will be the name of the program for now. When a test_translator routine is written, it will be called from ibcp.cpp like with the test_parser routine. The file has been uploaded at Sourceforge IBCP Project along with the binary for the program, which is now ibcp.exe, but works the same as the previous test_parser.exe except for the minor output changes for the new Token functions (the parserX.txt output files were also updated).