Friday, March 18, 2011

Translation – Define Function Token Issues

For now in the process operand routine, define function with parentheses tokens will not be allowed in command or assignment mode. This will need to be changed later when the DEF command is implemented. This check was also made in the check assignment list item routine.

However, since a define function without a parentheses token is allowed in assignments, the error was set to point to the open parentheses as an "expected equal or comma for assignment" error. The open parentheses is at the end of the token, so to get the error to point to it, the column of the token was incremented by the length of the token minus one.

Previously in the close parentheses token handler, the reference flag was being set for token with parentheses and define function with parentheses tokens. This check was modified to only set the reference flag for token with parentheses.

The reference flag for define function without parentheses tokens was already being set, so no change was needed for these tokens.