Sunday, March 21, 2010

Translator – Simple Expressions (Release)

The three possible errors were also validated (and the diagnostic errors did not occur as they were no suppose to). Finally, one of the test expressions is a string expression A$ = "this" + "test", which is correctly translated as A$ "this" "test" + =. However, technically this is not being translated as an assignment statement. Unlike C, in BASIC the “=” operator could be either assignment or equality depending on where it is found. Assignment statements will be handled later.

I discovered that in input mode, the up and down arrows can be used to recall previously entered lines in a session. This must also be built into the gets() standard library function. I also discovered that the ibcp.exe program does not work from a DOS window (Windows XP), but does run from Windows Explorer. And of course runs fine from an MSYS command window or with the Run in Console option from VIDE – the two ways I have been running the programs. Therefore, with the binary, there is now an included shortcut that starts the program in Translator input test mode.

The file has been uploaded at Sourceforge IBCP Project along with the binary for the program. I realized that the codes.txt files has not been updated for the recent code additions. Instead of creating that file again (I did it manually and it was a pain), the codes.awk awk script was created to generate this file automatically from the ibcp.h include file. Assuming that MSYS is installed, this script can be run using the command “awk −f codes.awk <ibcp.h >codes.txt”.

Now that simple expressions are being translated into RPN format, it's time to add the handling of parentheses...

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