Sunday, April 4, 2010

Translator – Internal Functions (Implementation)

The number of arguments member needs to be added to the TableEntry structure and values to the table entries along with an access function to this member in the Table class. New entries are needed for the MID$, ASC and INSTR functions with the appropriate number of arguments. A new multiple entry flag is needed to the first entry for each of these functions to indicate that more entries exist with different number of arguments.

The check for the number of arguments for internal functions will be added to the closing parentheses token processing in the array or function section. If the token popped off of the hold stack is an internal function and the number of operands doesn't match the number of arguments in the table, then if the multiple entry flag is set it needs to search for another entry of the function that matches the number of operands. If found, the the token's index will be changed to the new entry's index. Otherwise a “wrong number of arguments” error will occur.

A new table search function is needed that will search for a function with a specific number of arguments. The index of the first entry for the function will be specified assuming that it has already been checked for the number of arguments (this is the index the Parser originally returned). The search will proceed with the entry after the index and continue until the end of the internal functions (when an entry with a NULL name if found). The additional entries must be in the same internal functions section (words with parentheses).

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