Sunday, May 9, 2010

Translator – Data Types and Assignments (Implementation)

The only issue that occurred as support for data types were being added to assignment operators was developing code to return the proper error and the proper token for assignment lists. The issue was that the error should point to the first token in the line that has in error, which is complicated by the fact the the items in the list are processed in reverse order as that is how the tokens are pulled from the done stack.

This section proved to be difficult to implement, so the gory details won't be included here. An added complication was that a not a reference error should be reported on a token that is both not a reference and is not the correct data type. Basically the code needs to keep track of the last operand processed. A reference error is reported on the current operand being processed, but a data type error is reported on the last operand processed, but only if it is a reference (otherwise a reference error has already been set for the token).

Now that these changes have been implemented and compile successfully, debugging and testing can begin...

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