Saturday, May 15, 2010

Translator – Temporary Strings (Release)

Before testing the changes, the test code was modified to output the operands that were saved by the Translator within square brackets separated by commas. This change was made to see if operands were being saved correctly for the correct tokens (array, user functions, operators with string operands and internal functions with string operands). Only the primary operand token is output, so it the operand is an operator, that is what is output.

The code appears to be working, at least for all the current test inputs with one exception (no new test inputs were added at this time). If a conversion operator was inserted for an operand, the operand is not pointing to the conversion operator. For example, for the statement Z$=MID$(A$,B+C,D), the MID$ token is output as MID3$([A$,+,C], but should be output as MID3$([A$,CvtInt,CvtInt] since conversion operators were inserted for the + and D operands.

Other than this problem the code appears to be working. Since there is more work is needed to complete string data type handling in the Translator and not much was changed (temporary strings, which had a minor affect on the Translator; and operands are saved for later processing as needed for the Encoder), the code is being released only as a developmental release and has been uploaded at Sourceforge IBCP Project along with the binary for the program.

The rest of the string data type handling has to do with the sub-string functions (aka LEFT$, MID$ and RIGHT$), which will handle strings slightly differently during run-time...

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