Thursday, February 24, 2011

INPUT Execution Codes – Ending

There will be the final INPUT command code at the end of the input statement. Besides cleaning up, the only action that needs to be performed is to advance to the next line if the 'Keep' sub-code is not set (this sub-code is set when there is a semicolon at the end of the INPUT statement). In summary, the “INPUT I%,A(I%)” statement will be translated as:
InputBegin InputParseInt InputParseDbl'End' I%<ref> InputAssignInt I% A(<ref> InputAssignDbl Input
As usual for RPN format, the command is at the end of the translation. What remains to be designed is where the temporary input values will be stored and how errors will be handled. An error can occur in the parsing codes. When an error occurs, execution must go back to the InputBegin, however, the prompt does not need to be output again, the cursor only needs to be positioned back where is was after the prompt was output (after the error is reported).

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