Sunday, February 6, 2011

Translator – Assignment Table Entries

 The assignment operator table entries previously only had one operand, which was used for both the variable(s) being assigned and for the expression being assigned, since there both the same data type. This did not work for temporary strings because the variable operand needed to a string and operand being assigned needed to be a temporary string. So, the assignment operators were given two operands, the first for the variable(s) being assigned and the second for the operand of the assignment.

This change caused a problem with the main assign and assign list operators, which contained the list of all the related associated assignment operator codes (one for each data type). When find code is processing the assignment operand (the second operand) for double assignment, it does not need search for associated codes. To stop this, the index to the second set of associated codes, needed to be set to the number of associated codes, but this caused the Table initialization check to fail. So this initialization was modified to accept this condition.

The Table initialization was also modified to not count the first string operand for assignment operators (the entry's reference flag is set) because the string variable(s) being assigned are not attached to the assign string operator.

One strange problem remained with assignments, which involved the INSTR table entries...

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