Friday, June 17, 2011

Running on Windows

There were no problems building the modified project back on Windows, however, when running the regression test script on Windows, all tests failed. This occurred because the expected test results files were in Unix (LF only) format, but the freshly generated output files were in DOS (CRLF) format.  The files otherwise appeared to be identical.

To verify that the output was the same, the test script was modified where the cmp ‑s command (‑s for silent) was replaced with a diff ‑bq command (‑b for ignore white-space, ‑q for quiet) to have it ignore the differences between CRLF and LF, both considered white-space. Now all tests compared to the expected results. A better solution will need to be found to deal with the differences between Windows and Linux.

One other problem was found when trying to run on Windows, which was discovered when trying to make the program run. Upon the first run, an error was reported that the application failed to start because libstdc++‑6.dll was not found. Once the environment variables were adjusted to include the MinGW binary path, the program ran fine.

This was the same problem as before with libgcc_s_dw2‑1.dll. This problem was resolved by adding a -static-libgcc option to the linker step, which links in the libgcc.a library. It turns out that there is similar option ‑static‑libstdc++ for linking in the libstdc++.a library. The program no ran without requiring any external library. This was tested by moving the program to another computer that did not have MinGW installed.

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