Sunday, November 18, 2012

CMake Issues

The patch release number has not been updated for recent development tags.  There needed to be way to automatically keep the release numbers in the CMake build file up to date with to release number in the git repository (which is determined from the most recent tag).

To prevent this from happening in the future, the CMake file was modified to check the release numbers to the current tag in the Git repository.  Previously, if the Git program was found, the release string was obtained from Git using the git describe command, otherwise the release string was set to the release numbers specified in the CMake file.

The CMake file was modified to instead first set the release string to the release numbers.  If the Git program is found, then its release number is obtained and put into a temporary variable.  If the Git release number was obtained (it wouldn't be if no repository is present), then a check is made to made sure the release string matches the first part of the Git release number (using the string command with the REGEX MATCH operation).  If it doesn't match, then a fatal error is produced.  This will catch a mismatch after a new tag is added if the release numbers are not also  updated before changes are pushed to GitHub.

One other minor change was made to the CMake file.  If the build type contains an empty string, it is now set to "Release" so that it is not empty.  Though technically this is the same as an empty string, at least now when CMake is run, the "Build type:" message does not show nothing.

[commit c0c027c07b]

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