Sunday, December 9, 2012

GUI Preparation – Usage String

Since for now the GUI is only going to pop up the About box and then exit, it would be nice if it included some information about how to use the program from the command line, specifically displaying the usage string that was previously output when no arguments were given (which will start the GUI).  The CommandLine class was modified to generate the usage string at the beginning of the constructor and save it in a new member variable, with a new function to access it.

Previously, the test options were obtained from the Tester instance, but this isn't created until later in the constructor and won't be created if there are no command line options (the constructor will return).  The Tester options access function didn't actually use any instance variables, so this function was made a static member function so that now an instance isn't necessary to access the test options.

[commit 3b93360cff]

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