Saturday, December 8, 2012

GUI Preparation

The 0.2 development series is going to conclude with the program displaying its about box and then exiting.  The GUI elements will be added in the 0.3 development series.  Before adding the about box, some modifications to existing classes are needed, which will occur over the next set of commits.  But first, this is probably a good time to create the v0.2-6 tag as there have been 11 commits since the last development tag.

The base GUI is already present in the program, which was added by default when the main window class was created by new class wizard in QtCreator.  This GUI only contains a blank menu bar, tool bar and status bar.  If it was activated, the only thing present beside the window title (with the normal minimize, maximum, close, etc. icons) would a blank window with an empty tool bar that can be docked (more on this later) on any of the four sides of the window.

However, the program is not currently activating this window because it exits with a usage message if no options were present on the command line.  The command line and tester classes need some minor modifications before the about box can be implemented, which will contain information that will be obtained from the command line class (version, GPL statement, etc.).

[commit 6f55c2ffae]

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