Saturday, November 16, 2013

Recreator – Interactive Testing

Up to now, the only way to test the recreator was by using the expression and translator test files with the batch test mode.  An interactive recreator mode was not implemented since the recreator only supported expressions and creating separate modes for both expressions and commands was unnecessary.  With support for commands (just assignments at the moment), an interactive mode for the recreator could be added.

Before implementing the interactive recreator mode, the translator, program unit and recreator instances (which were local variable in the tester class run routine), were changed to the member variables of the tester class.  As local variables, it was necessary to pass references to them between the various tester routines, which defeated the purpose of having a class.  The output stream is now given to the tester constructor, which is stored in a member variable so that it can be shared by all the class routines, instead of being an argument to the run routine and passed to the other routines.

The tester class was modified to support the new interactive recreator test mode, which is activated with the new "-tr" command line option.

The translate input routine was modified to accept a header string for the list of translated token output.  If this header string is not used, then "Output:" is used as before.  This routine was also modified to return the pointer to the RPN list if the header string is used.  Otherwise, the RPN list is deleted as before and a null pointer is returned, which is also returned when the input line has an error.

The new recreate input routine was added, which starts be calling the translate input routine with the header set to the "Token:" string.  If an RPN list is returned (no error detected), the RPN list is recreated and deleted.  The recreated output is prefixed with the "Output:" string as its header.

[commit 2dc4b17e97] [commit 0ccfb105e7]

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