Saturday, November 9, 2013

Recreator – Internal Functions

The arguments (operands) of internal functions precede the code of the internal functions, so the strings of the operands will be on the string holding stack in reverse order when the internal function token is processed.  The arguments of define and user functions work the same way as do the subscripts of arrays.

A generic push with operands routine was implemented taking the name string of the function or array and the count of operands, and contains a local string stack and a separator string initialized to a closing parentheses (the string on top of the stack will be the last operand).  Looping to the count, the string of an operand is popped from the holding stack, the separator string is appended, this string is pushed to the local stack and the separator string is set to a comma and a space for the next operand (if there is one).  The strings are popped from the local stack until empty and appended to the name.  The name is pushed to the holding stack.

The push with operands routine also works with functions with no arguments (nothing is pushed to the local stack when the count is zero, so only the name is pushed to the holding stack).  An internal function recreate function was added that gets the name and the operand count of the internal function code from the table and calls the push with operands routine.  A pointer to this function was added to all of the internal function code table entries.

While trying expression test #3 (parenthetical tokens), there were blank invalid tokens.  These occurred from the hidden conversion codes that were present in the first test expression.  A blank recreate function was added that does nothing.  A pointer to this function was added to the hidden integer and double conversion codes.  Eventually, all codes will have a recreate function.

The expected results for expression test #3 and test #4 (internal functions) were set to the correct expected results (with appropriate spacing).  All of the expressions in test #4 produce the correct output.  Some of the expressions in test #3 do not produce the correct output because they contain arrays, define functions or user functions, which are not being handled yet.

[commit ac9ab4774d]

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