Saturday, November 23, 2013

Recreator – Remarks

There are two codes for remarks, the command code (for the REM command) and the operator code (for the "'" operator).  The token contains the string of the remark.  Generally, the keyword (REM or "'") along with the remark string is added to the output string.  However, there were two issues to be handled.

Unlike all the other commands, no space is required after the REM command when followed by a letter, so a statement like "REMARK A Comment" is valid.  The issue is for a REM statement entered as "remark a comment" in all lower case.  When recreated, the result would have been the "REMark a comment" statement.  So, if the first character of the remark string is lower case, the REM keyword is converted to lower case.  This still won't work if something like "Remark A Comment" is entered.

The second issue involves the remark operator.  A space is needed before the "'" operator if the command is not at the beginning of the line to provide some separation between the previous statement.  To determine if the remark is at the beginning of the line, an is empty access function was added to the recreator class  that returns whether the output string is empty (which implies this the beginning of the line if nothing was added yet).

A single rem recreate function was added to handle both remark codes and a pointer to this function was added to the remark code table entries.  To test the lower case check, an all lower case remark statement was added to translator test #15 (REM tests).  The expected recreated outputs for this test were updated and are recreated correctly.

[commit 03c73c3de7]

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