Saturday, August 9, 2014

CMake Problems Windows 8.1 – Part 2

The second problem was with the paths to the test files generated in the make file.  When CMake generates a custom command for making the test directory and copying a test file, it uses the Unix style path forward slash separator regardless of the generator being used.  While cmd.exe on Windows does support these style paths, the md and copy commands do not (in fact the forward slash indicates an option like the minus does for Linux and MSYS commands).  This obviously causes problems with the custom commands.

In CMake, the file command supports a TO_NATIVE_PATH option, but when used, this command didn't work as expected (didn't do anything).  Apparently this is a known issue and according to what I read, this is not the purpose of this command anyway.  So instead, a ConvertPath function was added to the CMake build file, which if the MinGW generator is being used, changes forward slashes to back slashes and surrounds that path with double quotes to deal with paths that may have spaces in them (which doesn't occur with the MinGW generator like with the MSYS generator).  For any other generator, the path is not changed.

Another build problem was found with the awk program required for building.  When using MSYS with MinGW, MSYS included many of the Unix utilities including the awk program.  Fortunately, Git for Windows includes many of the MSYS utilities.  However, the gawk program is included instead (stands for GNU awk).  Also included is an awk script, but this shell script is meant to be run by the sh.exe command that is part of MSYS, which just calls gawk.  When run from cmd.exe the script doesn't work.

When looking for the awk program, CMake found this awk script and so an error occurred from the make command running under cmd.exe.  To make CMake find gawk.exe instead of this script, the CMake build file was modified to look for gawk first, and if this is not found, then looks for awk.  In fact, on Linux, awk is also called gawk, but there is an awk file that soft links to it, so that either can be used.

While testing a minor mismatch was found with encoder test #2 with recreator testing.  The issue was that lines with error now store the text of the line, which is recreated.  This change was made in the last commit but the expect results were not updated.

[commit 727f7d223f]

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