Sunday, August 17, 2014

Data Type As Enumeration Class

Now that the number of and size of enumerators of the data type enumeration have been removed, there was one more enumerator left that needed to be removed if possible, specifically the No_DataType enumerator that was assigned to a -1, which was used to indicate an unset data type.  If this enumerator was left in place, then switch statements would need to have a case for it or would need a blank default.

C++11 allows a default enumerator in the form EnumName{} just like for any other type.  For user types, it calls the default constructor (if there is one, else a compile error is reported).  For built in types, the value is assigned a zero.  And so is the case for a default enumerator, which also has the equivalent value of zero.  For unscoped enumerations, the value is zero, but for an enumeration class, the value can't be used as an integer without a cast.

Therefore, the No_DataType enumerator was replaced with the default enumerator DataType{}.  In addition, the first enumerator can't have the default value of zero, so was assigned to the value of one.  This is not an issue since data type enumerators are no longer used as indexes to array (only as keys to maps).  All of the Xx_DataType enumerators were changed to just Xx in the class enumeration definition and to DataType::Xx for all uses in the code since the enumerators are now scoped.

There was one remaining issue.  The test names awk script scanned the header file for the data type enumeration and created an array of C style strings with the names of the enumerator. As the string  This awk script generates the test names header file used in the test source file for converting enumerators to strings for test output.  The awk script was modified to instead look for the enumeration class and to generate an unordered map.  This code was put into a new function in the script.  This script also generates C style string arrays for the code and token type enumerations.  These will also be changed at some point.

[branch cpp11 commit 06ef6f17c5]

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