Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tester – Removed Translation Calls

The rest of the translation tr() calls were removed from the Tester class, which allowed the Qt translation functions declaration macro to be removed.  A number of changes were made to the Command Line class to support these changes.

The copyright statement was put into a constant C-string with a Qt translate macro, which allowed for a delayed translate call.  This string contained QString style place holders for the program name (or version string for the GUI about box) and the copyright year.  There was a static access function to obtain this string, which the callers filled in as desired.

These were replaced with a static copyright statement function, which internally writes to the std::ostringstream and then returns the result as a std::string.  The program name or version string is no included as the caller is now responsible for this.  The copyright year function used to access the year was removed and the year is used directly since this was the only user.  The main window about box function was updated for this new function.

The warranty statements were put into an array of constant C-strings with Qt translate macros, which allowed for delayed translate calls.  There was a static access function to obtain this array.  This function was only called from the Tester class (the GUI has a different statement).  These were removed and the Tester class now outputs these strings directly without translation.

While making these changes, it was noticed that the copyright year set in the CMake build file had not been updated for 2014.  The application version numbers (major, minor and patch), copyright year and release string are transferred to the source code via a template input file from which CMake creates a header file.  This file contained C-style preprocessor defines, which are not type-safe, and were changed to type-safe C++11 constexpr statements.

[branch stl commit d399ff535f]  (The Qt 4.8.2 memory bug persists.)

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