Thursday, December 25, 2014

Parser – Identifier Codes

The parser previously set the code for an identifier token only when the word was found in the table (command, operator or function).  The codes for other identifiers were set in the translator: defined functions with no parentheses and variables (get operand); arrays, functions, and defined functions with parentheses (process parentheses tokens).  This was changed to set all codes in the parser.

To do this in the parser, the parser needed to know if a reference operand was being requested.  For now identifiers with no parentheses are set to variables, and with parentheses are set to arrays unless they start with an F (temporary check for testing).  Defined functions are identifiers that start with an FN.  Eventually the parser will need access to the program dictionaries to fully determine which code to assign to an identifier token.

The get identifier function was modified to set the code as described above for identifiers not found in the table.  A reference argument was added, which was also added to the parser function operator.  (The Reference enumeration was moved from the translator class to the main header file so that its enumerators are accessible.)  The token constructor for codes and identifiers were combined to a single constructor with default arguments for the string and reference members.

For variables, the reference argument is used to determine if the code is a variable or a variable reference.  Only the base code is set as the translator changed the code for the data type.  In the case of a variable reference, the reference member of the token is not set (the translator did not previously set it either).

Several token type cases in the translator get operand function was modified.  For defined functions with no parentheses, the token reference and code members no longer need to be set.  For no parentheses tokens (variables), the code is still updated for the data type.  The parser will do this once the new table model is implemented.  For parentheses tokens (arrays), the token reference member no longer needs to be set.

The translator process parentheses token function no longer does the check for functions (temporarily identifiers starting with F), or set the code of the token.  For determining an array (to set the expected expression types to integer for the subscripts), the Array code is checked for.  This check will need to be modified when arrays are implemented since there will be different array codes for each data type, which will be set by the parser.

[branch table commit 69dff18e26]

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