Monday, January 26, 2015

Table – Automatic Two Flag

The table is no longer dependent on the static table entry array so the implementation of the table class hierarchy can begin.  The first sub-class will be for commands.  While investigating the requirements for this sub-class, it was noticed that the Two table flag could be set automatically.  The Two table flag indicates if a command has a two-word form (for example the INPUT and INPUT PROMPT commands).  It is also used for symbol operators that has a two-character form (for example <, <= and <> operators).

The erector class functions were modified to set the Two table flag automatically for these commands and operators.  After a two word command is added to name to entry map, if the first word of the two-word command has an entry, then the Two flag of the one-word entry is set.  Similarly, after a new primary entry is added to the name to entry map, if the entry is a two-character operator, the Two flag is set on the entry for the first character is there is one.  Some additional table entry access functions were added.

The Two table flag was removed from all of the entries.  The Two flag was set on the <> operator, which was not necessary (only the one-character form required this flag).  Not all of the command entries with the flag were covered by parser tests, so additional tests were added to parser test #2 (identifiers).  Not all forms of all operators were covered by the tests.  Translator test #11 (temporary strings) contained an extra set of <= tests, which should have been >= tests.  New translator test #18 was added to cover all operators with all possible data types.

[branch table commit 937c5e3a57]

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