Unary operators have one operand. When the translation to RPN of unary operators is compared to the translation of functions with one argument, it can be seen that the translations are the same (one operand followed by the code):
-A → A Neg
ABS(A) → A Abs
Binary operators have two operands. When the translation to RPN of binary operators is compared to the translation of functions with two arguments, it can be seen that the translations are the same (two operands followed by the code):
A$+B$ → A$ B$ CatStr
LEFT$(A$,2) → A$ 2 Left
There are no tertiary or more operators, but functions with three of more arguments have a similar format except there would be more operands before the code. So, once the source code for operators and internal functions are translated to RPN, there is no difference between them - operand(s) followed by a code. Therefore, for data type handling, both operators and functions can be handled the same way. Next, how data types will be handled...