Z$= LEFT$(A$, 1) + B$ > C$When the +$ token is processed, the operand on the stack will be A$ left there by the LEFT$( function, which will be considered the first operand of the +$ token. This would then be passed on as the first operand of the >$ token. When the error is reported, the range will incorrectly be from A$ to C$ instead of LEFT$( to C$.
To resolve this, when a sub-string function is processed (popped from the hold stack and added to the output list, but not put on the done stack where its string operand remains), the sub-string token will be put into its operand's first token on the done stack. If this token already has a first token, it will be overwritten.
In the statement above, the first operand of A$ will be set to the LEFT$( token. The +$ token will then inherit the LEFT$( as its first token, followed by the >$ token. When the error is finally reported, the range of tokens will correctly be from LEFT$( to C$. Now on to the implementation of the first and last operand...