Add (Dbl) Dbl Dbl (also handles Int Dbl and Dbl Int with CvtDbl)The Add code would have the associated codes of AddInt, CatStr and CatStrT1. In other words, one code for each of the four data types of the first operand. For handling the second operand for strings, the CatStr code would have an associated code of CatStrT2, and the CatStrT1 code would have an associated code of CatStrTT. The main code would be selected if the second operand was a string (i.e. could not be determined to be a temporary string), and the associated code would be selected if the second operand was a temporary string.
AddInt (Int) Int Int
CatStr (Tmp) Str Str
CatStrT1 (Tmp) Tmp Str
CatStrT2 (Tmp) Str Tmp
CatStrTT (Tmp) Tmp Tmp
With this scheme, a problem occurs when the first operand is an integer, where the AddInt code would be selected. But what happens when the second operand is a double? The code needs to revert to the Add code since integers need to be promoted to doubles (doubles do not demote to integers).
This could be handled by making the Add code an associated code of the AddInt code. But a CvtDbl needs to be added for the first operand, but the first operand is no longer being saved (except for strings that are not temporary). Which means that integer first operands would need to be saved. Anyway, this all started to get rather complicated. I have some ideas on how to resolved this, but some test code needs to be tried to see which idea is better...