Monday, May 17, 2010

Translator – Sub-Strings

The processing of operators and internal functions with string operands needs to be delayed until encoding because in some cases, the Translator does not know if a string is a reference (from a variable or array element) or a temporary (from a user string function) because the Translator does not know if identifier is a variable, array element or a user function.

At run-time, if the string argument to a sub-string function is a reference string, then it's result is also a reference string in that the string does not need to be deleted. If the string argument is a temporary string, then it's result is also a temporary string in that the string needs to be deleted.

Each sub-string function will have an associated code. The main code will have a reference string operand and will return a reference string. The associated code will have a temporary string operand and will return a temporary string.

It would appear that sub-strings have no impact on the Translator. However, there is one more capability that needs to be considered, and that is sub-string assignments where a portion of a string is assigned without affecting the rest of the string...

Translator – Saved Operand Correction (Release)

The problem where the saved operand pointers were not pointing to a conversion code that was inserted (was pointer to the original operand), was a simply correction. All that was needed was to set the operand array element to the output of the output list append call where the conversion code token was inserted. The file, another developmental release, has been uploaded at Sourceforge IBCP Project along with the binary for the program.