The program will be organized into program units. The program model will contain a list of program units. Each unit will represent the main routine (only one), a subroutine (zero or more) or a function (zero or more) and will contain these components (only the main routine program unit with the components in bold are being implemented at this time):
- Name (only subroutine and function program units)
- ID - index within the program unit list (main routine will be the first)
- Code - array of program words
- Line Information - information about each line in the program
- Block Information - information about multi-line statements (IF, FOR, etc.)
- Remark Dictionary
- Number Constant Dictionary
- String Constant Dictionary
- Subroutine Dictionary
- Function Dictionary
- Common Variable Dictionary
- Common Array Dictionary
- Common Define Function Dictionary
- Variable Dictionary
- Array Dictionary
- Define Function Dictionary
- Argument Dictionary (only subroutine and function program units)
- Return Value (only function program units)