Monday, October 1, 2012

Public Git Repository

Initially CVS (concurrent versions system) was used for this project and the repository was converted to git using the git cvsimport command.  Before making the git repository public, I wanted to correct some issues that occurred during the conversion, specifically branches were not converted correctly.  Merges to the trunk (CVS nomenclature) did not show correctly as a merge to master (git nomenclature) - in fact there was no actual merge, just a hanging branch which a merge commit from where the branch first branched off the master branch.

These issues plus several other issues were corrected and the public git can now be accessed at github, where the repository can be explored, including the commits, source files, and branches.  Hit the Continued... for more details of the repairs.  There is also a Wiki on github, but for now it only points back to here.  The current branch is cmake0.1.16 (which is off of the branch0.1.16 development branch, but the CMAKE implementation is not quite finished yet).  Next up, some details on my current Linux development platform (there have been some changes).