This is accomplished by adding the QObject::tr() function around all constant strings that would need to be translated. The Qt linguist utilities use this as one way to identify strings that need a translation. The Qt widget classes inherit this function from QObject and therefore just tr() is used without the scope. This function can also be added to classes that don't inherit from QObject by adding a macro to the beginning of the class definition:
class MyClassSo, this was added to the Token class (so tr() could be used on the token status messages) and the Parser class (so tr() could be used on the parser error messages).
The scoped form QObject::tr() was added for the version, usage, error and test strings. However, the GPL and test output strings were not changed so that the output of the regression tests would not change (otherwise the results will not match the expected result files). The table initialization error messages were also not changed since these are development errors and will never occur in an official release. There are alternatives to using scoped QObject::tr() form, but these need to wait until the program is turned into a full fledge Qt application (next up).
One other minor change was made to all class, struct and enum definitions where the opening brace was moved to a separate line instead of the end of the line, which is the same format used for if, for, while, etc. statements. The opening brace on array initializers remain at the end of the line (for now). And two unnamed enumerations were given names.
[commit 58b55f0b51]