Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Edit Box – Program Unit Access

The edit class box needs access to the program model, specifically to the program unit currently opened in the instance of an edit box.  Eventually when subroutines and functions are implemented, any one of them could will be opened with their own edit box.  There could be several edit box instances opened at any given time.  Right now there is just a single program unit, the main routine, which will be opened in a single edit box instance.

To allow an edit box instance access to its program unit, a new pointer to a program unit instance (program model class) was added to the constructor of the edit box class.  This pointer is stored in a new program unit pointer member variable.  The connection of the line changes signal (from the edit box class), and the error list changed signal (from the program unit) are now made in the constructor of the edit box instead of the constructor of the main window class.

The constructor of the main window class was modified to create the program model first (the program unit for the main routine) before creating the edit box instance, which now requires the pointer to program unit instance that it will be editing.

[commit aa2125609a]