The latest version of CMake (2.8.4) for Windows was installed, which can be obtained from
here (the Win32 Installer). The same version used on Kubuntu 10.10. On Windows, there is a CMake (cmake-gui) program installed in the CMake 2.8 start menu group and it took some effort to figure out how to use it. Here is the procedure for building the program, starting in the CMake (cmake-gui):
- Select "Browse Source..." and point to where the source is
- Select "Browse Build..." and point to where the build will be (which should not be the source directory)
- Optionally there is a "Make New Directory" to create a "build" directory
- The next step is to select the "Configure" button, however, if the "Current Generator:" does not say "None" then select File/Delete Cache to make it change to None.
Before doing these steps, CMake needs to be able to find the GCC compilers and other tools. The Windows environment variable PATH needs to be modified, which can be done by inserting "
C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;" at the beginning of PATH (assuming the default directories were used in the MinGW installer). Upon selecting "Configure" in Step 4, CMake will pop up a dialog. Change the generator for the project to "MSYS Makefiles" and select the "Finish" button. If all goes well, some lines will be output in the bottom section with no errors (errors are output in red text).
Now select "Generate" and the make file will be created. In an MSYS window, change to the build directory and do a "make" command. The program should now be built. All the generated files will be in the build directory including the executable, the auto-generated header files and the codes.txt file.