^ (exponentiation)Previously mentioned in post Translator – Unary Operators that the unary operators would be a high precedence. This is the case in C, however this is not the case in the BASICs. The exponentiation operator is higher precedence (an operator that C does not have). Consider the example -X2 where algebraically X would be squared first then the result negated. More ambiguous is when constants are involved, consider the example -52 where the result would be -25. The ambiguity occurs because -5 is a legal constant, so, should -5 be squared first resulting in 25? However, the Parser currently does not attach signs to constants (minus signs are parsed as operators). The plan was to roll negation back into a constant, but considering higher precedence of exponentiation, this will not be done. GW-Basic does give -25 for -5^2 (though strangely SmallBASIC does negation before exponentiation).
- (negation)
*, / (multiplication, division)
\ (integer division)
MOD (modulus)
+, - (addition, subtraction)
<, >, <=, >= (relational operators)
=, <> (equivalence operators)
NOT (logical not/1's compliment)
AND (logical/bit wise and)
XOR (logical/bit wise exclusive or)
OR (logical/bit wise or)
IMP (implication)
EQV (equivalence)
All BASICs set the precedence of the relation and equivalence operators at the same level, however, C has them separate. Consider the example A < 4 = B > 2, which using the precedence above would be evaluated as (A < 4) = (B > 2), which make sense and probably explains C's precedence. The BASICs would instead evaluate that as less logical ((A < 4) = B) > 2. Therefore the C precedence was chosen. (Remember something unique is being created here and there is not a big concern about compatibility.)
As for the logical operators, the BASIC seem to have the precedence order of NOT, AND, and OR; but ordering of the rest is inconsistent. Again, the C precedence placement of XOR was chosen, though NOT was placed at the top of the logical operators, but below that other operators. Consider the example NOT A = B, which would be evaluated at NOT (A = B), in other words, A <> B; instead of the less logical (NOT A) = B. The EQV and IMP was placed lowest with EQV at the bottom for the same reason as placing the equivalence operators below the relational operators.
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