Saturday, March 26, 2011

Parser – Tokens With Parentheses

While correcting issues with define function tokens, it was noticed that it is not necessary to also store the opening parentheses in the string field of the token. This also includes the generic tokens with parentheses. The parentheses is not necessary because there are separate token types to identify tokens with and without parentheses.

It is also advantageous to not store the parentheses so that an array or define function name can be found in the dictionary. For define functions, take the code snippet:
DEF FNHypot(X,Y)
Z = FNHypot(3,4)
Both the FNHypot( and FNHypot tokens appear, which represent the same function. If the parentheses was stored in the dictionary for the function name, it would require complicated string comparisons to figure out that the FNHypot token is the same function. This same issue applies to regular function names.

A similar issue also applies to arrays. When functions and subroutines are implemented, there will be a feature to allow an entire array to be passed to a function or subroutine. Exactly how this will work has not been defined yet, but this code snippet shows how it would look:
DIM Array(10)
CALL subroutine(A)
The changes for removing the parentheses from these tokens were very simple. In the Parser get identifier routine, when creating the string for these tokens, the length provided to the string constructor was changed to be one less than the actual length so the parentheses would not be included. In the Translator when reporting an error at the open parentheses of a define function with parentheses token, the minus one was removed since the length is now one less. Finally, in the token test output routines, an open parentheses was added to the output of these tokens.

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